How's the public holiday going?
A lot of people wish there would be more public holidays cause we love to rest and we @fashionitekture are proudly a part of that group.
Like we earlier mentioned it was ADA's birthday during the week and she had a little get together on Friday and it was a time for our two fave things @fashionitekture.... partying and playing dress up...
We set out pretty late and the most fun part of the nite was when we (@ms_mako and @blaquethay) took a bus at about past 12am...we were so excited even though it was just to the next immediate stop it was like we did something out of the ordinary...lol :D
We couldn't take a picture so as not to get robbed o... so all we have are the memories... :(
Its funny that we both are on braids and we both wore nude shoes ...one of us is a copy copy....looolz but beyond that GREAT MINDS THINK ALMOST ALIKE...LOOLZ
Pictures below
birthday girl....
thats all folks...
stay beau